

Fashion journalist and editor of SEELE Magazine Ally Portee lets you in on some of her conversations with inspiring people from around the world in fashion, faith, entertainment, music, and entrepreneurship. Basically, these are conversations from the soulful side of life about topics that will hopefully inspire your life.

Posts tagged Deb Sofield
Episode 53: Deb Sofield- Keynote speaker, Author, Speech & Media Coach, and Crisis Communications Trainer

Deb Sofield is a global Communications Consultant, a Keynote Speaker, a former Radio Talk Show Host, a Podcaster, and President of her own Executive Speech Coaching Co. She’s skilled in training people for success in: speaking, crisis communications, presentation, media, and message development. In this episode we talk about her Lebanese roots, what makes for a good speech, she touches on the US president whose speaking style she admires most, and what doesn’t make for a good speech.

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